Angiostatin — is a naturally occurring protein found in several animal species, including humans. It is an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor (i.e., it blocks the growth of new blood vessels), and it is currently undergoing clinical trials for its use in… … Wikipedia
Angiostatin — is a piece (a fragment) of a protein, plasminogen, used normally in blood clotting. This fragment is normally secreted by tumors. It appears to halt the process of developing new blood vessels (angiogenesis) which is necessary to tumor… … Medical dictionary
angiostatin — /an ji ō statˈin/ noun A protein that occurs naturally in plasminogen, believed to be effective in limiting the growth of cancerous tumours ORIGIN: ↑angio , ↑ stat and ↑ in (1) … Useful english dictionary
angiostatin — A protein normally made by the body. It can also be made in the laboratory, and is being studied in the treatment of cancer. Angiostatin may prevent the growth of new blood vessels from the surrounding tissue to a solid tumor. It belongs to the… … English dictionary of cancer terms
angiostatin — Inhibitor of angiogenesis … Dictionary of molecular biology
angiostatin — an·gi·o·stat·in (ăn jē ō stătʹn) n. A naturally occurring protein that is a specific inhibitor of endothelial proliferation and a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. It is under investigation as a potential cancer therapy. [angiogenesis + stat +… … Universalium
angiostatin — noun A protein that inhibits angiogenesis; it is used to inhibit the growth of new blood vessels in tumours … Wiktionary
Angiostatin — An|gio|sta|tin 〈n. 11; Med.〉 Stoff, der die Neubildung von Blutgefäßen hemmt, wird in der Krebstherapie angewendet [<grch. aggeion „Gefäß“ + statos „stehend“] … Universal-Lexikon
angiostatin — /ændʒioʊˈsteɪtən/ (say anjeeoh staytuhn) noun a naturally occurring protein in animals, which blocks the production of new blood vessels; used in cancer therapy. {angio + stat + in1} …
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
Angiostatina — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La angiostatina es una proteína encontrada en varias especies animales, incluyendo humanos. Es un inhibidor endógeno de la angiogénesis (i.e., bloquea el crecimiento de nuevos vasos sanguíneos), y es actualmente… … Wikipedia Español